The California Health and Safety Code Section 1375.7(c)(1) provides a bill of rights that every dentist provider has relative to participation in dental insurance provider agreements. Those rights are enumerated below:

California Health and Safety Code Section 1375.7(c)
With respect to a health care service plan contract covering dental services or a specialized health care service plan contract covering dental services, all of the following shall apply:
If a material change is made to the health care service plan’s rules, guidelines, policies, or procedures concerning dental provider contracting or coverage of or payment for dental services, the plan shall provide at least 45 business days’ written notice to the dentists contracting with the health care service plan to provide services under the plan’s individual or group plan contracts, including specialized health care service plan contracts, unless a change in state or federal law or regulations or any accreditation requirements of a private sector accreditation organization requires a shorter timeframe for compliance. For purposes of this paragraph, written notice shall include notice by electronic mail or facsimile transmission. This paragraph shall apply in addition to the other applicable requirements imposed under this section, except that it shall not apply where notice of the proposed change is required to be provided pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b).
For purposes of paragraph (1), a material change made to a health care service plan’s rules, guidelines, policies, or procedures concerning dental provider contracting or coverage of or payment for dental services is a change to the system by which the plan adjudicates and pays claims for treatment that would reasonably be expected to cause delays or disruptions in processing claims or making eligibility determinations, or a change to the general coverage or general policies of the plan that affect rates and fees paid to providers.
A plan that automatically renews a contract with a dental provider shall annually make available to the provider, within 60 days following a request by the provider, either online, via email, or in paper form, a copy of its current contract and a summary of the changes described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) that have been made since the contract was issued or last renewed.
This subdivision shall not apply to a health care service plan that exclusively contracts with no more than two medical groups in the state to provide or arrange for the provision of professional medical services to the enrollees of the plan.